What in life inspires you, tests your limits and comfort zones, makes you question your views of life and the world more than traveling to a different country? As I write, my husband is in India, then off to Sri Lanka, and finally China. I was supposed to be by his side, but foolishly opted not to go since we have traveled so much in the past 6 months. Just back from a trip the end of December, when we were making the plans and buying the tickets, the thought of getting on a plane again in the beginning of February and taking off for a month sounded exhausting. Now, as I sit home (actually, I am working my arse off at the hospital more than anything), I realize what a big mistake I made. Missing my Habibi (husband) greatly and longing to see a new part of the world.
Sri Lanka, you see, has been on the top of my list to travel. I have been to India a few times, and of course, who wouldn't want to see the Great Wall of China? But Sri Lanka has held a special place in my heart since 7th grade. My great aunt and uncle lived for a few years in India and had me mesmerized with the stories and art they came back with (though also a bit terrified of the struggle and conflict). So in 7th grade when faced with choosing a country to write about, I thought, why not the lovely island off of the most religiously and ethnically diverse country I can think of? An India with less strife, I imagined, and even more natural beauty. Indian food, perhaps similar culture, but with mostly lush green jungles and lazy, warm beaches, winding rivers, safaris, and ancient temples. I imagined it like a smaller India, easier to navigate, and more laid back.
Less than a year ago my husband and I promised we would never travel without each other again. And now I sit in the cold, rainy northwest, missing my beloved while he plays Indian Jones searching for antiques for his family's business. And I must wait until the fall, when we plan to return to India and Sri Lanka. I must suppress the urge to step onto the soil of a new land, breath the air of a new place, discover the smells and colors of a village unknown to me. Counting the sleeps until my husband returns to my arms, and then the weeks until our next adventure.
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